Swedish Care International (SCI) bjuder in till ett webbseminarium
23 juni 2020, kl 15.00 för att ge en översikt av äldreomsorgen i Sverige och förändringar relaterade till COVID-19.
COVID-19 has affected and changed how elderly care is provided in Sweden and worldwide. Sweden, in particular, has been the focus of international media attention with its COVID-19 strategy that has aimed to protect its elderly population without causing disruption to other elements of society.
Swedish Care International (SCI) – has received overwhelming requests from stakeholders to better comprehend the country’s COVID-19 strategy, and its impact on elderly care services. For this reason, SCI will organize an open webinar to provide an overview of COVID-19’s impact on Sweden’s system of elderly care.
Webinariet är gratis men kräver registrering på Eventbrite